China Rolls out ZDK03 AEW&C Aircrafts for Pakistan Air Force

First of four Pak-Chinese ZDK-03 Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AEW&C) Karakoram Eagle for the Pakistan Air Force was displayed in a rollout ceremony was held at Hanzhong in China. Pakistan Air Force’s chief Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman was the guest of honor for this ceremony at this ceremony. It was also attended by the Commander of the PLA Air Force and other military and civil officials from the China.

Pakistan Air Force signed an agreement for the joint development of four ZDK-03 AEW&C aircraft Karakoram Eagle which were to be configured to meet Pakistan's specifications in 2008 with China Electronics Technology Group Corporation.

The ZDK-03 AEW&C is specifically designed to meet the requirements of the Pakistani airforce. It has very advance AESA radar along with other sensors and communications equipment. This arrangement is similar to the one being used by the E-2C/D Hawkeye Airborne Early Warning Aircraft used by the USN.

This arrangement will allow ZDK-03 AEW&C Karakoram Eagle to provide 360º radar coverage. Air Chief Marshal Suleman has said that this event as "another milestone in the exemplary history of cooperation between Pakistan and China”. This AEW&C aircraft will strengthen the PAF's capabilities to maintain "peace with honour in the region".

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